What is Court Ordered Anger Management Classes
Court ordered Anger Management classes are a legal obligation based on individuals past behavior. A judge will place certain compulsory responsibilities for attending an anger management course. Requirements most likely will depend on the state’s regulations.
State laws will dictate whether the classes can be completed online or in person. Programs allow individuals to learn specific tools to control the unwanted behavior. Online classes give the person the opportunity to move at a self-taught pace, lowering stress levels.
Specific curriculums may be ordered by the courts for many reasons, not only learning how to handle anger, but how to manage the feelings of anger, which can sometimes lead to extreme stress. These techniques may include strategies to avoid violent tendencies.
Other methods normally taught in the Program that can be highly productive, include being aware of stressful situations, how to correspond effectively, and using stress management to avoid outbursts of anger.
The number of sessions or hour demanded is usually determined by the courts or probation officers. Court ordered anger management class time frames, are not always specified, but typically, the management Curriculum consists of 8-12 court ordered anger management sessions. The court ordered anger management classes are often taught or facilitated by professionals qualified in the fields of psychology or social studies.
Anger management can be therapeutic treatment in a variety of cases, such as child custody, and divorce. Court ordered anger management classes can also be successful in potential harmful situations and can diffuse arguments.
If you have Court Order Documentation please contact Norman Thatcher at 818-264-6255.
April Duarte, Marketing Coordinator

As TNT’s Anger Management Services marketing coordinator April Duarte helps build community awareness for the mental health concerns society faces daily. She is currently studying for her RN license, so she can work full-time helping people improve their lives.
Contact April for court order brochures and more marketing information:
(805) 336-1094
[email protected]
“Norm Thatcher and TNT Anger Management Services is a great service for anyone who has court ordered anger management classes and also for people who are just trying to better themselves in that field. The sessions are very comfortable and casual which makes it easier to open up and really cure yourself.”
– Client